
Thursday, February 24, 2011

We Are Going to the Fair!

Now that means something different in Brasil than it does in the States. In the States, you will find rides and fried foods and games along the midway. Here, it is a food fair. Everyday of the week a different neighborhood has a street fair of fruits, veggies and meats/fish.

See here? You can buy tripe or cow tongue:

Yummo, now aren't you hungry?

I buy chicken, and veggies, and fruits. I bought a very delicious mango and papaya this morning. Very fresh and tasty. I also bought eggs, which throws me off because they are never refrigerated here. I am assuming that is okay since they are not refrigerated inside a chicken either. Unless it is a Minnesota chicken I guess.

This is the fair in the street out front of my friend Kimberly's condo. You met Kimberly in the last blog. We go every Thursday to get our goodies and then have a pastry treat after at the outdoor food booth.

As you can see there are many booths. And all of the food is farm fresh.

Look here is Kimberly again!

We have a granny pull cart that we carry everything in because we end up buying a lot when you add our stuff together. Afterward, we go to her apartment and hang out for a bit. I always seem to leave her place though with my bra and undies in my purse. I can just here my husband - no you pig, get your mind out of the gutter! We end up sitting my her pool and relaxing and talking for a while before I go home. Today I did not bring my bathing suit - which is what I wear instead of my undies, husband dear. So I borrowed one of hers which is too big on her, but just small on me. I really appreciate that by the way, thank you Jesus.

Ricardo calls my time in Brasil a life of leisure. I don't know why he says that. Well, I am off to go read a book on my patio while drinking a glass of wine. TTFN!


  1. So glad I'm not eating lunch as I read this!!! ;) Enjoy your afternoon! Sounds like its going to be a busy one!

  2. About to pour my own glass of wine! And Portuguese was so much better today-thanks to you and your advice. Didn't waste time on how to address the President of Visteon. See you tomorrow. Ate my papaya with a spoon and it was yummy. Not sure how I'm going to prepare my cow's tongue. How about you?
