
Friday, December 1, 2017


So I haven't written much this year. I have no clue why. I am definitely not too busy. I will get to my backlog. I promise. But first...

My son, Ian, and I share a love for cheesy movies, especially Sharknado. Number 5 recently came out, and we still have not seen it. Total crime of the century! But when I went to go write this blog, this is the only song I could think of that would be perfect - the Sharknado Theme Song. This is in honor of Ian. My Ian. Not Ian Zerling of the movie. And totally pronounced differently!

Since 2012, Ian has been a swimmer. It started at our country club where he caught the bug. He is not the fastest kid in the pool - never has been. However, he swims his best every time. He works hard and gives 110%. I don't have all of his times over the years, but I am impressed every time he hits the water. Like his and his father's favorite team he is a dolphin when he swims. Or should I say shark to go with the song? Anyway, I am so proud of his accomplishments. Also since 2012, I have never missed a race. That is until today. Let me give you some background before you string me up.

Throughout Ian's swim "career" he has had competitions in The States, in Switzerland, and in Brazil. He has had to learn to swim in each of these countries as techniques are a bit different in each. He has also had to learn the language really fast (outside the US of course) in order to do what his coaches and meet officials have asked. It has not always been easy. He has not always understood. And he has been disqualified many times until he figured it out. He has persevered that is for sure. Now in Brazil, he at least has coaches who speak a bit of English or there are school helpers there to translate for the kids. I am not worried about this, though. He has pretty decent Portuguese. When we arrived here I was worried about Ian's sports choices. With Javi it was easy. Jujitsu studios are like Starbucks, one on every corner. But not so with swim schools. And those that are here follow the Brazilian school time schedule, which is different than the international schools'. What would Ian do? Luckily the school the boys attend was developing a swim team! Last year was their first. With a new athletics director 2017 has started so much better. Hence today and me missing the meet.

Why are you missing the meet? Well to be fair, I missed the school meets in Switzerland too. I think there were two. But parents were not invited to those. I was not invited to this one either. But, that is because it is in Santiago, Chile. Yes, my son is in Chile! Without me! So rude of him! Oh parents, by the way, your son has a swim meet. It's in Chile and you can't come. Too bad, so sad. How cool is that, though? My child has had the opportunity to swim in competitions in 4 countries now. The experiences he is getting are remarkable and blow my mind. This meet has kids from around South America - Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile. Again, mind blown! So far so good as well. In a group of 20 kids his age he has been coming in 7th in his races so far. We still have a few to go this afternoon and tomorrow. All I can say is I am proud of you baby, and .... Just keep swimming...!


  1. We too are very proud of his accomplishments not only in swim but in learning other language. Love you, abuela and abuelo.
