
Monday, August 15, 2016

Turn the page

You don't expect to turn then page and end up right back at the beginning, but that is what we did. We are back in Brazil and it feels like home, the smelly marginal and all.

So when I got here back in 2010, I forgot to bring my hair dryer. I put it in the air shipment. But the moving company said it would only take a week to get our stuff. Well, a month later that was true. So without a hair dryer, I improvised. I pulled my clothes dryer away from the wall and laid down behind it and dried my hair. A little dusty, but it worked. Now in 2016? I know better. But, I don't have a clothes dryer. Turn the page and come full circle! We are in a hotel until our apartment is ready the beginning of next month. So that means laundry service. However, I am not paying anyone $4 to wash a pair of socks or undies, no matter how nicely it is packaged. I'm too cheap for that. So wash in the bathtub it is! After the maid comes of course, because I don't want to look cheap. Or crazy. So a few pieces a day. I should catch up by the end of the month, right? But without a dryer what can I use? That's right! My hair dryer!Works very nicely I might add. Socks fit right over the top, undies dry quickly. Easy peasy. Though t-shirts and shorts take a bit longer. I will not do jeans though. I have a limit. Those and hubby's work clothes go to the cleaners. I am not THAT insane. Usually.

Yes, Brazil feels like home. We love it here. Although I have started answering people in French. That is so not going to work. Too many languages in me brain! This morning I asked if I could bring a plate up to my child in the room and it was part Portuguese and part French. Sounded good, but hey, I got my point across. Yes, I have a sick child. Why would I not? Full circle again. We were sick when we arrived in Switzerland too. But this time my husband coughed on him. Yes, I am going to blame him. First, the oldest had the tummy flu in Switzerland. That smelled just as good as the river here does. Then husband comes back from traveling the world with a cold and fever. Then we arrive here and I get it, but I think it was from exhaustion more than anything. Now the last one to get it is my second. Of course he misses school today. Why not? Add more work on top of him tomorrow. Which he WILL be better. No jinxing it peeps!!!!!!

We are easing ourselves back in. We are remembering that buses rule the road here and they will cut you off by mere inches if they feel so inclined. That traffic is insane and you can turn right from the left lane. That waiters are shocked that you want more than one cup of american-sized coffee. That pineapple here tastes amazing and so does the papaya, though it still smells like feet. The papaya not the pineapple. That hooking up with old friends is a pleasure, even while still missing your Swiss ones like missing a piece of your heart.

So onward, turn the page, and let's start a new chapter...

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