
Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Am So Not A Little Bit Country

Sorry Marie Osmond, I am so not a little bit country. I am with Donny all the way, I am rock-n-roll.

Actually, I can listen to pretty much any type of music, except country. Let's see. What is on my iPod? Well I won't go over every artist, but there is anything from Beethoven to Pitbull. Heck I even have Carmina Burana on there. If you are wondering what that is, it is the scary music from the movie "The Omen." There is latin, jazz, dance, rap, classical, pop, hard rock, calypso. You name it. I listen to it. Except country.

Well, I take that back. I do have a few exceptions. I am a woman; I am allowed. I mean you should see my food list exceptions, but that will be for another day. And yes, I have a cowboy hat that I bought at Target. And yes, I own cowboy boots. But that is TOTALLY different. Yes it is. For music, I do have an affection for Carrie Underwood, Randy Travis (though he is not on my iPod), and Kenny Rogers. Though I do not know if you can call him fully country. Oh and I do like that Joe Nichols song "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off." Well of course I would, he mentions Bon Jovi in it, duh. You are probably wondering why Randy Travis. Well he was actually the first country singer I can remember that I listened to and liked besides the Oakridge Boys. And really they are only one song. Hi-O Silver Away! Anyway, we were going, somewhere, can't remember, but on the radio came his song "I am going to love you forever." I think that is the name of it. But it is a beautiful song and he has a great voice. And you can understand Carrie. I mean, she is so darned cute you just want to chop her head off and put yours on her body - while keeping her singing voice of course.

The reason I do not listen to country music is because most of it is about losing your woman, your dog running away, your horse dying, or your trailer blowing up. Well not really, but it is like scratching a chalkboard to me. And the songs pretty much sound the same after a while. And seriously, Brad Paisley needs to get rid of that hat. It makes his head look too small.

However, living in Brazil, I have learned to love country music. Brazilian country music that is. It is called forró. (Double r is pronounced as an "H".) Okay, yes, this starts sounding the same after a while too. But man, it is fun music. When you hear it, you just smile. It is always very happy, not one thing dying in any song at any time. Instead of the banjo like in the US, they use the accordion. It kind of sounds polka-ish. Now that I think about it, you can polka to this music. But all the words are happy. I think that is why I like it. So while I will not have K102/B105 programmed in any car I will ever own (yes I had to google to find those stations), the Forró station is the first we turn on in our car and consistently listen to here.

(Hey figured out how to put in a link to a song, hope it works! Forro song popular in Brazil. ). Check this song out. It is so much fun to listen to. My boys even know the words. And there is a line dance to it too!

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