
Sunday, August 7, 2011

In a Blink

As I sit here and write this at 1 a.m. I cannot help but think how amazingly fast a year can go. Last summer I was closing up a life in Florida - selling a house, visiting family, living out of a suitcase for six weeks, trying to keep two boys occupied for a majority of a summer without their dad. We were heading to Brazil to live. Many people thought we were crazy. We even asked that question of ourselves several times. Heck, I was taking my children to a country we never, ever stepped foot in before!

I remember that first flight to Brazil vividly. Lucky us were in business class that night flight. Not that I could sleep or anything. I remember the anxiety and the questions running through my head. Would I understand the language fast? Would I meet friends? How will the boys handle school? A Valium probably would have been a welcome friend that night.

Now, exactly a year later, on probably the same airplane, but definitely the same flight number, I still can't sleep. We are not in B class this time. Though I can see from where I am our seats on that "maiden voyage." Only question now running through my head is how fast will Portuguese come back to me? And I am way better prepared clothes and luggage-wise than last time. We, or shall I say my father-in-law, had a fun time trying to fit everything in his car! There is a lot of stuff you need to take (really read buy) when spending six weeks in the States. My mother-in-law said it looked like the miracle of the loaves and fishes the way the suitcases kept multiplying. But really I have to blame my husband for that. What sane man lets his wife loose for six weeks, alone, without him? - and with two credit cards and a check book! Come on!

I am excited to be getting back though. The boys get to start school in two days. I think they are happy about that too because I think they are sick of each other. And I want to cuddle up to my hubby. That is the first thing after a shower that I want to do.

Since we are returning 365 days after we first landed I felt it necessary to have a "New Year in Brazil" resolution. I am bringing with me Zumba DVDs and P90X...

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