
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Free Take-home Dinner

Ricardo has been back in Brazil for the last week and a half without us. It is the end of Christmas vacation in the US, but summer vacation has started for us in Brazil. We are still in the States till the end of the week, though. Since Ricardo has been back it has rained everyday. Can anybody say Seattle? But unlike Seattle, which I am sure has excellent drainage, Brazil does not. There are floods everywhere. Many people have lost homes, and some have even lost their lives. It is very sad, and we pray for all of those families hit by the floods.

On a lighter note regarding the flooding, and as reported to me by my husband watching the nightly news, the river Marginal Tiete overflowed the highway and people have been stuck on the side of the road. But this did not deter the everyday Brazilian. (They are very resourceful.) One gentleman even got the opportunity to pick up dinner. He found a giant catfish washed up from the river on the side of the road. He got out of his truck, picked it up, and tossed it in the back truck bed and drove away. All caught on tape by a trusty news helicopter.

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