Well, we have 5 days before we head back to the States. (We are too excited to sleep!) My husband was there about two weeks ago and he said it will be a shock to our systems when we hear English everywhere. Well, we are flying into Miami, so that will not be the case. But we will be heading right off to Houston where, wait a minute, that will not be the case either. Well, we will be at my mom's house first, so we will hear English there. And my brother swearing at the Halo video games because he dies. My boys have learned some interesting words from him. Thank you bro!
I have started making a list of everything that I want to bring back with me. And the list is extensive. I think I need to bring a giant empty suitcase for everything. I told my husband that I need to stock up on a bunch of Cheerios. But his comment was that the boxes were bulky and took up too much space and that I could live without them. Excuse me? What did you say? I sorry, I cannot hear you. My ears are not working properly and you sound really muffled. I did not understand a word you said.
What are some of the things on the list? Glad you asked, thank you. I need swiffers, oven bags, slow cooker bags, hair product that Ricardo likes, printer ink, allergy meds that are too expensive to buy here, shampoo, again too expensive, gym shoes for the boys, again too expensive. I now understand the foreigners in Sawgrass Mills Mall in South Florida who come through with a large empty suitcase. They shop and fill it up. Try US$150 for boys gym shoes here that I can get in the States for $40. Makes a huge difference when you add it all up. I also need duct tape. Yes, this is a strange item to put on the list. But did you know you can not find it here? I need to talk to 3M because they would make a killing here just with the cars alone!
I also need to make room for everything that I bought and had shipped to my mom and sister and mother-in-law. Thank you for being a storage unit for me! Plus Christmas presents. Actually, maybe I need two giant empty suitcases.....?
Then my boys have made a list of what they want in the States. This list consists of Abuela's cooking (do not comment please on my cooking skills), walking Doodle's dog, making a tent with Abuelo, and going to get Mexican food with their grandparents. I think they have very good priorities. Because I don't think Ricardo will let me fill more suitcases...
Yay! Have a safe trip and have fun shopping =)