
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Restaurant Etiquette

There is something to be said for the quality of service at eating establishments in Sao Paulo. For example, Ricardo and I sat for two hours the other night at a wonderful patio style restaurant before we even ordered our meals. I think it was two, maybe only one. I don't know, we were drinking and having an appetizer waiting for others to come. Meanwhile the restaurant waiting area was filling up. But no one rushed us, no one asked when we were going to order, and no one gave us covert looks. Well maybe the waiting patrons, but the wait staff did not. And did you know that IF you tip it is only 10% tops? I commented to Ricardo that if they moved people along faster, this restaurant - actually any restaurant, because no one here rushes you -and the staff could make more money. (I mean this restaurant's waiting area was wall to wall!) He asked if I wanted to be rushed out. Well no of course not! It was just an observation really. I am perfectly happy to take 4 hours out of my Saturday night, have great conversation, sit and eat wonderful food and have drinks and not worry that someone will say "here's your hat, what's your hurry?".

I think it is because Brazilians take their food very seriously. Food can be an art form. And you cannot rush art. People here eat slow and enjoy their food. Me? I can be done in 5 minutes flat no problem. But that does not really work here. Plus you can't eat a burger in 5 minutes when you have to cut it and eat it with a knife and fork. Yep, that is right. You eat everything with a knife and fork - pizza, burgers, sandwiches, desserts. It's really no wonder why meals take so long. Have you ever tried to eat a burger with a knife and fork? I did tonight. It isn't easy. The caramelized onions were everywhere, the top bun slid off, the lettuce was massacred. The table looked like there was a three year old eating at it. And you would think that after five months here I would have it down. Well I have eating pizza with utensils down, that one is easy. But I am still struggling with the burgers. I so badly want to pick the damn thing up and eat it! But, alas, I cannot. Besides I would feel like George Costanza eating a candy bar with a knife and fork and everyone staring!

I know I will learn how to eat correctly, or at least more civilized by the time we leave here. But you can bet your last dollar that when I hit the States for vacation I am picking up that damn burger and shoving it down my throat!

1 comment:

  1. So I take it these people don't take thier young kids out?
    Love your butts pic. Which sounds wierd to even say. Reminds me a lot of Playa del Carmen in Mexico. Too many old men in speedos with all thier schnook hanging and dangling out.. sometimes you should just say no!
