
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Traffic Laws in Brazil

It is very interesting driving in Brazil. When we first got here, we expected it to be like driving in Miami, which in and of itself is an adventure. There you can go 10-15 miles over the limit and weave in and out of traffic. You can also run traffic lights, but I never did because that is too dangerous. So you just waited for a few seconds before entering the intersection in case someone else decided the light wasn't really meant for them.

No. Here in Brazil, they obey the basic traffic laws. You usually drive 10 km below the speed limit as a precaution for the traffic cameras. You also do not cross the white line at a light let alone run a red light. You always use your seat belt. You never drive and use your cell phone at the same time. If someone is in the crosswalk or trying to jaywalk, you stop and let the person cross. In this aspect we will be better drivers when we return to the States.

What we will have to not do is the following:
  • If you want to get ahead in a line of cars it is very much acceptable to drive on the wrong side of the road as far as you can go to get into the line further up.
  • If you are in a Retorno (a u-turn designated area) and the line of cars is long, it is very much acceptable to pull up to the front along the curb and over the painted lines to get further up, and if there is a small curb and your car can get over that, you can do that too.
  • Stop signs don't actually mean stop. They mean take a quick look and get into traffic. Or if there is a line it is an every-other car deal like in the church parking lot. You do not need to stop at the signs. It is really just a suggestion.
  • Cutting other cars off is acceptable. Do not use your horn if this happens because the other driver will have no idea why you are so upset.
  • If there is a 4 lane road, with the left two being turn lanes and the right two are for going straight, it is very much acceptable to turn left from the right lanes and try to go straight from the turn lanes. All you have to do is weave between the other cars. This is also acceptable if you are a city bus.
  • Driving down a one-way the wrong way is not actually a big deal. 

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